Columbus relived

Change and Death is said to be the only certain in life, and so everything else is unreliable of its existence.

We grow, we rot. Thats the whole scheme of life; and while we savor the wait, a neverending quest  for the unidentified perfection is what we must endure.

I know we all have been in those situation where no matter how we convince ourselves, we can't seem to be satisfied; only when we got it the way we feel, imagined and even the reactions we assume to get, that's the time when we can say "unto the next".

I am speaking of  our expedition in search of the percfect "White Shirt"

So, what makes a white shirt, "the" white shirt? and why cant we seem to be contented of owning just one?

A question I always asked myself when evrytime I came back from my usual spending spree
